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Sunday, October 3, 2010

Web Page Design and Development

One idea that intrigued me from the readings this week is that there are many little things that go into making a web page.  Something I hadn't thought about was the device that people will be using to access web pages.  Whether they are using the computer, the size of the computer screen, a TV, a phone, or whether it is being printed.  All of this affects how the designer should set up the pages.  When making my web site I thought about where things were placed and the colors used.  I tried to keep it simple and after reading it seems that is the best way to go.  After reading I found myself thinking back to when I created my web site and I thought about how I used the guidelines without even knowing them.  I think this is due to the idea that as a consumer and user you get used to seeing sites set up in a specific way.  The readings mentioned that users expect to see certain aspects in certain areas, such as the breadcrumbs or the search bar or the ads are in specific areas. 

The important thing to keep in mind when making a web page is your users.  Think about what the site will be used for and what your users are like. The readings said a lot about how too much can distract the readers/users.  Flashy graphics do not replace little or bad content.