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Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Final Blog Entry

Three questions that have arisen throughout this course are:
1.  What can I do with an Instructional Technology degree?

When I first decided to get my masters in Instructional Technology I was just thinking that I like to incorporate technology in my classroom and that it is an important aspect of future teaching.  I also believe that technology can improve the classroom and student learning when applied correctly.  So I wanted to expand my knowledge on this and learn about new ways to apply technology, but while doing that I began to think of other directions this degree could take me.  Instructional design was one aspect we talked about, leadership- I may be able to create materials for others to use or mentor them and share my enthusiasm of technology.

2. How do you confront the challenges of technology integration?

I liked our discussion about the challenges of technology integration because it made me think about my school and the staff and what the challenges are.  I also thought about myself but it led me to thinking about how to confront and change those fear or challenges.  How do we get more time to plan, create, integrate technology?  If we can't get more time how do we still continue to grow with integration?  How can we change people's attitudes and beliefs so that they are more comfortable with technology?   I believe in the positive affects of technology and would like to share the uses of it with others. Confronting these challenges may also be an area with someone with our degree can help.

3. What is the most important part of Instructional Technology?

 I just wonder if the most important part is understanding the details of all the terminology or it is using the technology.  To me it is using, knowing and integrating the technology, but some may believe that being able to tell exactly what you are or what your degree is most important.  This is just a personal question that I wonder how others feel about how people look at our field.