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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Sept 7: Constructivism and Behaviorism

What I found most intriguing and applicable is that most educators fall in an area where they use a combination of theories to teach.  I find myself in that in between area where both theories are applied.  I love the idea of constructivism- allowing the students to choose how & what they learn, but my experience has shown that this would not always work in every situation.  I believe that it is important for students to take ownership over learning but as young learners they have to learn that concept and learn how to become aware of their learning and understanding. I do use constructivist ways in the sense of applying learning to the real world and allowing students to experiment and develop understanding.  However I feel hindered by the county pacing guide and grading requirements.  We are expected to be finished certain math and reading units by a specific date and we have to have a certain number grades in by a specific date. So with these time restraints it's not always applicable to allow students to explore & build their learning at their own pace because you have to have the grades in the gradebook for report cards. 

Another aspect I found intriguing in the first article was the factor of fantasy in Malone's Motivation Theory.   My students don't always have a motivation to learn or come to school.  It is a challenge to increase that motivation especially when family support is very low and education is not the most important thing.  I like the idea of using fantasy to make learning apply to the real world.  As I read this part I thought about my students in writing, they really struggle to use their imagination.  It seems as if sometimes they don't have that ability to imagine anymore.  They have their video games, computers, TV and don't use their imagination as much, relates back to the positive & negative of technology.  So when I read this article and saw that fantasy could be a motivational factory I was trying to think of how I can incorporate that into teaching more areas then just writing.  Can I have them imagine running a little store when we talk about money? Could I set that up so that they are absorbed in the whole fantasy?  Will they buy in and be motivated to learn and be able to apply the concepts and retain in the long term memory?  I plan to try to apply that motivational factory in my classroom.

My last thought after looking at all the articles is that I think it is important to apply both theories when teaching.  You have many different students in your classroom, many different learners.  They more you can mix it up and use an eclectic style the more your students will benefit because you will reach  more of them. So I find myself combing the theories in hope that I can reach all my students in one way or another.

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