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Sunday, September 12, 2010

TPACK Readings

As I was reading about TPACK there was 1 main concept that I continued to see throughout all the readings, that using technology should enhancing the content you are teaching and it is a thoughtful process as why you are using that technology. I feel my philosophy of using technology matches TPACK- you need to consider the content you are teaching and the best way to teach it before you bring in the technology. If you decide to use the technology then you as a teacher have to have the knowledge of manipulating it and the ability to teach your students to use it in a way that is beneficial to reaching your objective.  I think it is important to know the technology and think about the best way to use it in the specific lesson or area you are planning.  While reading I came across how some think that technology is a "one size fits all" and that it can be shown in a professional development session and teachers can take and use it effectively.  This idea was criticized due to the idea that each content area is different and technology can be applied differently in each area.  I find this to be so true especially being in a primary grade technology use is very different in a 1st grade room then in a middle school classroom or even 5th grade classroom.  There are great resourced out there but I don't want to sit in a whole professional development session about a technology that isn't that applicable in my classroom. For example the social networking sites (Wikis, blogging) have great uses in older classrooms but my students have a difficult time typing.  It takes them FOREVER to type and their writing skills are just developing so expecting them to share ideas by typing is a challenging task that not all students are ready for. Some are more efficient in typing and those tools could be used to differentiate.  If we are looking at professional development time I would rather learn about the tools that I can apply more frequently and meaningfully in the classroom.  I can learn on my own about Wikis and apply to the group of 4 students that may be ready for it.  With the younger student it is more important to think about their safety and privacy online because they aren't as aware of those issues as older students.  Thinking about the different content areas there are different ways to apply use of technology.  In reading you may want to use concept mapping but in science you may want to use a simulation to teach a concept so the technology would be different depending on what is being taught, it is not one size fits all.

As an ending note I agree with the writers in these articles.  It is very important to keep in mind what you want the students to learn. You have to have an objective and plan to how the students learn the best. Then use technology as an avenue for your students to reach that objective. As a teacher you have to have knowledge of the content, the best teaching strategies and the technology. Once all of these are in place technology integration can be successful and meaningful to your students.

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