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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

UDL and Internet Readings

I found the study done on teaching internet literacy strategies very interesting.  Researching as an adult is difficult and so time consuming sometimes that it gets aggravating. Although when you are researching something that is of interest to you there is more motivation and drive to find the information. That's why I liked the idea of the hero project that students had a choose as to who they were researching.  The idea of 6 week project is unforeseen considering all the time & grading constraints we have, there is no way we could spend 6 weeks on 1 topic/project.  Even though I think students could truly benefit from something like that.

The second reading was things that I believe teachers know but it was backed up by brain research.  Teachers try to learn their students strength & weaknesses then differentiate. Every student learns differently so there is no one size fits all for teaching. You have to provide lessons in multiple ways and engage students using different methods and allow them to show their understanding in different ways.  Students are all different and teachers have to provide multiple facets for them to show that. 

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